Sealed Dynasty Ring Gemstone

Key material that Dwarves use to make Sealed Dynasty Ring. Can be sold in any shop.

Spoil List

NPC name Min count Max count Chance Action
Male Spiked Stakato 3 3 44.425
Leogul 3 3 8.798
Klennot 3 3 9.129
Ragna Orc Shaman 3 3 5.848
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare 3 3 24.521
Nihil Invader Elite Soldier 3 3 29.814

Drop List

NPC name Min count Max count Group Chance Chance Action
Blazing Ifrit 6 6 3.47 43.05
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader 6 6 8.467 43.05
Cursed Guardian! 6 6 1.975 43.05
Servitor of Darkness 6 6 1.046 43.05
Ragna Orc Healer 6 6 1.123 43.05
Turka Chieftain's Ghost 6 6 4.096 43.05
Nihil Invader Warrior 6 6 9.689 43.05
Mutant Healer 6 6 15.984 43.05
Bloody Succubus 6 6 5.739 43.05
Cohemenes 6 18 16.863 35.336
Aenkinel 6 21 60.894 55.167
Aenkinel 6 21 60.894 55.167
Aenkinel 6 21 60.894 55.167
Aenkinel 6 21 60.894 55.167
Aenkinel 120 360 48.564 36.005
Aenkinel 120 360 56.959 36.005