Metallic Fiber

Material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.

Spoil List

NPC name Min count Max count Chance Action
Remnant Warrior 9 714 93.063
Ant Warrior Captain 6 6 44.841
Dicor 6 21 51.98
Torfe 6 24 57.059
Maluk Succubus Turen 6 6 51.635
Forest Runner 9 9 75.861
Limal Karinness 9 69 78.123
Tainted Ogre 6 6 57.42
Light Bringer 6 6 54.447
Soldier of Ancient Times 9 30 87.913
Warrior of Ancient Times 9 33 93.273
Archer of Destruction 6 6 66.158
Hallate's Guardian 9 57 94.837
Valac's Creature 9 33 90.041
Bloody Liviona 9 54 87.426
Lilim Slayer 9 51 80.423
Nephilim Royal Guard 9 51 80.423
Eye of Restrainer 6 24 66.035
Eye of Guide 9 45 69.367
Sly Hound Dog 9 66 72.766
Hot Springs Atrox 9 30 78.333
Ketra Orc Warrior 9 51 82.283
Varka Silenos Grand Priest 9 96 88.853
Varka's Chief Escort 9 48 78.201
Varka's Prophet 9 72 82.79
Arimanes of Destruction 9 99 92.359
Punishment of Splendor 6 21 50.921
Trampled Man 9 9 72.458
Trampled Man 9 9 72.458
Vampire Adept 6 21 49.211
Horrifying Ginzu Golem V 9 30 84.179
Freya's Servant 9 66 75.724
Ornithomimus 9 72 83.07
Sonneratia 6 42 65.711
Pythia 9 33 90.263
Shade 9 27 68.605
Water Dragon Detractor 9 27 76.549
Beleth' Subordinate 9 45 70.326
Gatekeeper Lohan 9 285 94.633
Plaza Helm 9 102 93.788
Fire Opal 9 75 86.127
Kechi's Guard Captain 9 96 86.459
Kechi's Guard 9 117 85.004
Junior Watchman 9 444 93.735
Sand Devil 9 114 82.577
Chimera of Wind 9 792 94.684
Town Guard 9 111 80.211
Guzen 9 3288 94.917
Shadow Column 6 24 57.199
Brimstone Illith 9 78 93.374
Beleth' Assassin 9 1293 93.911
Tortured Native 6 21 48.117
Native Elite Soldier 9 30 84.232

Drop List

NPC name Min count Max count Group Chance Chance Action
Halisha's Treasure Chest 9 9 9.965 80.312
Remnant Warrior 81 243 49.724 15.077
Beleth' Slave 6 18 30.515 40.332
Young Kookaburra 9 9 21.224 70.85
Young Cougar 9 9 21.224 70.85
Young Buffalo 9 9 15.207 70.505
Young Grendel 9 9 15.207 70.505
Solina Knight Captain 9 9 31.352 79.66
Mordeo 9 9 9.002 93.013
Ricenseo 9 9 11.759 94.928
Krator 9 9 13.387 97.233
Premo 9 9 14.252 94.928
Dicor 9 9 10.592 96.635
Rotting Golem 9 9 1.847 70.011
Reinforced Steel Golem 9 9 1.783 70.011
Timak Orc Warrior 9 9 1.76 70.011
Liele Elder 3 3 7.798 24.439
Tamlin Orc Archer 3 3 5.293 25.797
Death Wave 3 3 16.821 25.476
Cave Howler 3 3 21.271 24.881
Limal Karinness 9 9 12.705 72.655
Karik 3 3 42.387 25.579
Taik Orc Shaman 3 3 5.768 25.101
Harit Lizardman Archer 3 3 4.404 24.439
Paliote 3 3 10.918 24.989
Lesser Giant Scout 9 9 6.927 75.804
Hatar Ratman Thief 3 3 4.399 23.919
Tortured Undead 9 9 1.714 72.081
Warrior of the Plains 3 3 6.853 24.145
Barif 9 9 5.947 74.583
Conjurer Bat 3 3 15.086 25.573
Theeder Piker 3 3 7.318 20.658
Doll Master 9 9 4.508 70.223
Dailaon Lad 9 9 4.924 93.558
Platinum Tribe Warrior 3 3 27.528 25.036
Tainted Ogre 3 3 6.294 24.5
Pirate Zombie Captain 3 3 4.667 24.439
Seal Angel 3 9 48.934 49.739
Nightmare Lord 3 3 2.65 24.927
Cadeine 3 3 2.759 24.473
Bloody Ghost 3 3 4.849 25.492
Soldier of Grief 3 3 4.629 24.651
Archer of Destruction 3 3 5.843 23.891
Dismal Pole 3 3 5.826 25.157
Graveyard Predator 3 3 6.389 25.157
Shindebarn 9 9 5.253 84.367
Ossiud 9 9 4.145 69.224
Beast Lord 9 9 6.096 73.836
Hallate's Guardian 3 3 27.412 25.549
Magus Valac 3 3 22.036 25.369
Valac's Creature 3 3 18.924 25.554
Bloody Liviona 9 9 13.357 72.504
Bloody Banshee 3 3 40.176 25.595
Bloody Lord 3 3 46.713 25.595
Hames Orc Footsoldier 3 3 11.844 25.573
Decayed Ancient Pikeman 3 3 9.955 24.346
Purgatory Wisp 3 3 11.298 24.921
Purgatory Conjurer 3 3 35.322 35.97
Ancient Holy Ground's Totem 3 3 25.305 24.883
Ancient Holy Ground's Vision 6 6 35.322 40.78
Lith Commander 3 3 16.186 24.381
Lilim Knight-Errant 3 3 21.124 25.825
Lilim Soldier 3 3 39.188 25.902
Lilim Great Magus 3 3 49.522 31.286
Gigant Officer 3 3 14.355 24.055
Nephilim Swordsman 3 3 21.124 25.825
Nephilim Archbishop 3 3 42.668 25.902
Nephilim Royal Guard 9 9 22.234 80.134
Nephilim Cardinal 3 9 42.673 39.531
Sepulcher Archon 3 3 12.809 25.032
Sepulcher Inquisitor 3 3 14.241 25.136
Sepulcher Royal Guard 9 9 10.775 77.556
Tomb Prefect 3 3 10.411 24.504
Tomb Priest 3 3 10.59 24.913
Netherworld Prophet 3 3 49.742 31.286
Fallen Orc Shaman 3 3 17.187 25.417
Canyon Bandersnatch Slave 3 3 48.9 25.824
Eye of Restrainer 3 3 17.373 25.518
Eye of Guide 9 9 11.061 77.187
Sly Hound Dog 3 3 38.287 25.518
Hot Springs Bandersnatchling 9 9 8.594 77.684
Hot Springs Atrox 3 3 25.043 25.665
Ketra Orc Footman 3 3 41.5 25.665
Ketra Orc Scout 3 3 43.794 25.665
Ketra Orc Warrior 3 3 39.465 25.661
Grazing Elder Kookaburra 3 3 41.264 25.67
Grazing Bandersnatch 3 3 35.161 25.661
Grazing Elder Antelope 9 9 13.029 77.907
Varka Silenos Grand Priest 3 9 46.094 39.542
Varka's Chief Escort 3 3 37.495 25.67
Varka's Prophet 9 9 26.149 77.983
Prophet's Royal Guard 3 3 37.819 25.661
Scarlet Stakato Soldier 3 9 49.995 39.531
Lavastone Golem 3 9 42.06 49.869
Arimanes of Destruction 3 9 47.913 39.542
Soldier Scarab 9 9 33.435 77.944
Soldier Scarab 9 9 29.342 77.944
Hexa Beetle 3 9 46.653 39.542
Hexa Beetle 3 9 41.053 39.542
Knight of Empire 3 9 42.465 49.9
Knight of Empire 3 3 43.407 31.292
Ustralith 3 15 37.145 23.064
Ustralith 3 9 39.631 49.869
Ashuras 3 9 39.986 49.9
Ashuras 3 9 47.368 39.542
Ashkenas 3 15 41.686 23.084
Ashkenas 3 15 42.386 23.084
Abraxion 3 15 38.013 23.064
Abraxion 3 9 45.311 39.522
Arimanes 3 15 38.588 23.064
Arimanes 3 9 45.668 49.869
Chakram Beetle 3 15 47.074 23.084
Jamadar Beetle 3 15 46.86 23.084
Heathen Warrior 3 3 1.996 25.52
Alpine Cougar 3 3 11.138 25.529
Alpine Cougar 3 3 9.371 25.5
Alpine Cougar 3 3 11.114 25.585
Needle Stakato 9 9 4.099 77.195
Needle Stakato Soldier 3 3 12.149 25.583
Needle Stakato Drone 3 3 12.172 25.637
Frenzied Stakato Drone 3 3 11.726 25.583
Eye of Splendor 3 3 13.11 19.194
Punishment of Splendor 3 3 11.794 25.508
Corrupted Knight 9 9 3.364 76.213
Trampled Man 3 3 7.631 25.496
Trampled Man 3 3 7.631 25.496
Ghost of Rebel Soldier 9 9 4.45 77.153
Atrox 3 3 14.3 25.584
Ghost of Guillotine 3 3 11.514 25.529
Ghost of Guillotine 3 3 11.117 25.529
Ghost of Rebel Leader 3 3 13.59 25.583
Bone Caster 3 3 13.779 25.583
Vampire Magician 3 3 11.831 25.583
Vampire Adept 3 3 14.205 25.583
Vampire Wizard 3 3 12.252 25.631
Vampire Wizard 3 3 12.568 25.631
Vampire Warlord 3 3 16.89 25.637
Vampire Warlord 3 3 15.835 25.637
Vampire Warlord 3 3 11.193 25.637
Gigantic Flyer 3 3 13.829 24.913
Pirate Zombie Captain 3 3 6.338 24.439
Pirate Zombie Captain 3 3 8.975 24.439
Zombie Captain's Spiritual Body 3 3 17.08 24.886
Tasaba Lizardman Sniper 3 3 4.069 22.174
Tasaba Lizardman Sniper 3 3 5.17 22.174
Shrine Knight 9 9 5.092 77.684
Assassin Beetle 9 9 26.736 77.907
Gatekeeper's Ghost 9 9 6.676 77.944
Ragna Orc Shaman 3 3 7.921 26.276
Ragna Orc Archer 3 3 7.334 26.263
Watchman of the Ghost Town 9 9 0.866 76.114
Menacing Jackhammer Golem 3 3 4.978 29.776
Probe Golem Champion I 3 3 5.355 30.133
Horrifying Ginzu Golem V 3 3 18.044 30.623
Epic Cannon Golem 3 3 16.855 25.154
Epic Cannon Golem's Subordinate 9 9 4.209 71.407
Ice Tarantula 3 3 5.959 25.321
Frost Tarantula 3 3 6.179 25.321
Lost Buffalo 3 3 9.839 25.37
Frost Buffalo 3 3 5.973 25.37
Freya's Servant 3 3 35.335 25.321
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader 3 3 38.631 25.637
Spiked Stakato Nurse 3 9 42.719 39.522
Monastic Crusader 9 9 31.224 77.885
Solina Brother 3 9 43.36 39.542
Solina Lay Brother 9 9 37.551 80.231
Priest Warrior 9 9 38.476 80.209
Beholder of Light 9 9 38.967 77.885
Island Guardian 3 3 22.996 25.696
Naiad 9 9 8.8 71.781
Sonneratia 9 9 10.14 71.781
Chrysocolla 9 9 10.424 71.781
Pythia 9 9 15.135 73.402
Dark Water Dragon 69 207 37.996 18.247
Shade 3 3 27.945 25.899
Water Dragon Detractor 9 9 12.832 73.421
Beleth' Subordinate 3 3 42.419 31.645
Beleth' Subordinate 9 9 12.035 71.919
Gatekeeper Lohan 18 57 31.404 40.178
Gatekeeper of the Square 9 9 19.391 71.846
Gatekeeper Provo 30 90 35.068 26.435
Plaza Caiman 9 9 10.576 73.402
Emerald Alligar 9 9 10.573 73.421
Emerald Boar 3 12 49.969 16.936
Plaza Helm 3 9 39.754 39.595
Tourmaline 9 9 17.721 71.781
Fire Opal 9 9 28.849 73.489
Reef Golem 9 27 46.19 66.863
Weylin 30 90 45.87 24.996
Darnel's Guardian 21 69 41.739 52.472
Kechi's Guard Captain 9 9 36.243 73.402
Kechi's Guard 9 9 45.417 73.489
Kechi's Guard 9 9 42.748 73.421
Fafurion's Henchman 21 69 42.656 52.507
Garden Stakato 3 15 44.451 23.65
Garden Poison Moth 9 9 49.042 73.402
Garden Guard 9 9 17.612 72.933
Garden Guardian Tree 9 27 46.348 66.863
Garden Castalia 3 3 18.67 25.827
Junior Watchman 30 96 36.497 18.063
Charmed Native 9 9 8.483 73.008
Arcane Scout 54 162 46.026 30.654
Arcane Watchman 39 120 43.772 30.43
Desert Scorpion 36 108 43.637 19.741
Sand Devil 3 9 41.658 39.923
Wandering Caravan 6 6 23.579 62.738
Sandstorm 15 51 47.094 31.504
Quarry Patrol 30 90 42.117 26.496
Chimera of Earth 69 207 36.358 17.985
Chimera of Wind 30 90 44.094 36.038
Chimera of Fire 45 138 44.38 18.117
Enceinte Guard 3 15 36.633 23.526
Town Guard 9 9 40.338 73.421
Guzen 111 333 42.514 49.117
Labyrinth Guard Captain 111 333 32.792 49.479
Cosmic Scout 6 24 34.691 57.534
Master Zelos 432 1299 32.47 16.823
Master's Subordinate 69 207 45.018 17.951
Master's Escort 57 171 29.972 30.684
Foundry Spirit Guard 66 204 43.067 17.295
Foundry Foreman Assistant 69 207 34.68 18.108
Beleth' Follower 69 207 45.094 17.951
Beleth' Projection 54 165 33.334 28.599
Lesser Evil 18 57 39.63 39.39
Parme's Healer 9 9 10.947 80.312
Shadow Column 9 9 11.497 73.478
Foundry Foreman 6 18 39.547 39.991
Arcane Captain 78 237 45.669 25.588
Darion's Faithful Servant 6 24 49.057 66.208
Beleth' Follower 69 207 45.094 17.951
Kechi's Guard Captain 45 138 45.927 18.117
Flame Illith 9 9 17.31 72.866
Brimstone Illith 3 9 49.15 40.083
Failan's Guard 6 18 34.937 40.349
Original Sin Warden 21 69 47.818 52.3
Slave of Greed 9 9 47.683 80.087
Slave of Lust 9 9 33.287 73.005
Slave of Wrath 9 9 33.321 72.931
Slave of Envy 9 9 47.789 79.909
Slave of Pride 3 15 47.113 23.641
Slave of Sloth 9 9 45.233 73.394
Slave of Pride 6 24 33.338 58.089
Slave of Gluttony 9 9 45.233 73.394
Beleth' Assassin 111 339 28.896 50.697
Beleth' Subordinate 45 138 47.676 18.092
Kertang's Messenger 9 9 5.527 80.296
Kertang's Messenger 9 9 13.129 80.312
Amaskari 69 207 30.655 17.951
Tortured Native 3 3 30.486 25.917
Rotten Messenger 9 27 49.58 67.044
Zealot of Infinity 18 57 27.981 40.41
Body Harvester 18 57 30.29 40.472
Soul Exploiter 15 51 34.462 31.609
Soul Devourer 15 51 32.083 31.588
Butcher of Infinity 6 24 46.847 57.874
Disciple of Infinity 6 24 41.549 57.717
Rotten Messenger 6 24 42.263 57.954
Body Harvester 6 24 46.851 58.11
Body Severer 6 24 45.485 58.061
Soul Exploiter 6 24 44.986 57.864
Soul Devourer 6 24 41.727 57.864
Soul Devourer 360 1080 32.672 31.488
Emissary of Death 6 24 46.295 57.973
Emissary of Death 6 24 47.326 58.125
Emissary of Death 6 24 47.667 57.864
Priest of Darkness 9 9 41.201 80.271
Dragon Steed Troop #1 Captain 69 207 48.039 17.94
White Dragon Captain 69 207 35.338 18.16
Dragon Steed Troop Infantry 69 207 37.029 17.784
9 9 46.108 73.53
Dragon Steed Troop Wizard Captain 15 51 30.951 31.685
Dragon Steed Troop Wizard 15 51 31.203 31.609
Dragon Steed Troop Wizard Soldier 15 51 33.724 31.588
Dragon Steed Troop Commander 69 207 48.833 17.799
Dragon Steed Troop #1 Battalion Commander 78 237 34.914 25.388
White Dragon Captain 15 51 33.706 31.481
Dragon Steed Troop Infantry 15 51 34.421 31.62
Female Spiked Stakato 6 24 43.545 64.318
Male Spiked Stakato 6 24 41.249 64.318
Male Spiked Stakato 15 51 44.112 29.854
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader 6 24 44.345 64.318
Spiked Stakato Baby 15 51 33.868 29.888
Scarlet Stakato Worker 6 24 32.058 58.14
Scarlet Stakato Soldier 9 9 49.507 73.534
Tepra Scorpion 6 24 32.081 58.098
Assassin Beetle 9 9 46.688 80.231
Mercenary of Destruction 9 9 49.656 73.496
Magma Golem 9 27 37.671 67.102
Arimanes of Destruction 6 24 43.897 58.098
Ashuras of Destruction 9 27 37.12 67.044
Blazing Ifrit 15 51 33.51 31.693
Magma Drake 9 27 39.246 67.044
Mucrokian Fanatic 9 9 27.876 79.428
Lesser Giant Wizard 69 207 37.641 18.099
Lesser Giant Elder 69 207 37.189 18.099
Imagro 9 9 25.432 80.201
Phantoms of the Mine 9 9 9.205 80.291
Varangka's Dre Vanul 9 9 14.941 71.842
Varangka's Destroyer 9 9 13.829 71.892
Contaminated Morek Warrior 9 9 40.063 71.892
Contaminated Batur Warrior 9 9 49.683 71.892
Contaminated Batur Commander 9 9 47.039 78.328
Turka Subordinate's Ghost 6 24 30.67 64.395
Turka Chieftain's Ghost 9 27 45.652 66.988
Invader Healer of Nightmare 18 57 32.491 40.349
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare 15 51 36.794 31.609
Invader Assassin of Nightmare 6 24 44.952 58.098
Invader Shaman of Nightmare 15 51 34.301 31.685
Invader Archer of Nightmare 6 24 42.682 58.098
Invader Disciple of Nightmare 15 51 43.994 31.646
Invader Elite Soldier of Nightmare 15 51 47.763 31.588
Nihil Invader Guide 15 51 35.002 31.646
Nihil Invader Destroyer 36 108 39.658 43.499
Nihil Invader Shaman 18 57 38.448 37.592
Nihil Invader Archer 15 51 47.291 29.904
Nihil Invader Disciple 15 51 48.152 29.854
Nihil Invader Elite Soldier 54 165 35.909 18.459
Mutant Healer 36 108 47.594 39.178
Mutant Guide 45 135 31.962 46.8
Mutant Shaman 45 135 32.057 46.661
Mutant Sniper 15 51 38.569 29.888
Mutant Soldier 9 9 39.59 71.892
Archery Knight 57 177 39.329 21.552
Tanta Lizardman Scout 9 9 8.497 78.763
Tanta Lizardman Warrior 9 9 13.703 72.205
Tanta Lizardman Archer 9 9 12.017 71.919
Tanta Lizardman Wizard 9 9 8.649 78.015
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant 9 9 13.15 72.201
Sel Mahum Training Officer 9 9 18.074 72.159
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant 9 9 13.156 72.166
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant 9 9 12.114 71.846
Sel Mahum Warrior 9 9 9.533 71.561
Sel Mahum Squad Leader 9 9 14.504 72.278
Sel Mahum Squad Leader 9 9 8.363 71.633
Sel Mahum Squad Leader 9 9 8.978 71.857
Solina Guide 9 9 15.14 73.015
Solina Seeker 9 9 16.147 73.015
Solina Savior 9 9 14.798 79.671
Solina Disciple 9 9 14.966 79.671
Solina Ascetic 9 9 16.604 72.959
Divinity Judge 15 51 34.625 31.019
Divinity Worshipper 15 51 33.357 31.025
Cruel Pincer Golem 9 9 8.45 80.321
Horrifying Jackhammer Golem 9 9 6.97 80.312
Scout-type Golem No. 28 9 9 8.265 80.321
Guard Golem 9 9 15.242 73.496
Micro Scout Golem 9 9 15.471 73.572
Great Chaos Golem 9 9 19.846 80.231
Boom Golem 9 9 14.126 80.321
Wrathful Orc Ghost 9 9 16.376 71.144
Giant Noxious Scorpion 36 108 45.71 39.734
Noxious Scorpion 15 51 43.521 30.095
Emerald Drake 45 135 40.576 33.536
Dragon Tracker of the Valley 45 135 36.929 33.499
Dust Dragon Tracker 45 135 34.916 33.461
Maluk Hunter 6 24 42.082 57.504
Maluk Banshee 15 51 41.535 31.065
Maluk Sniper 6 24 40.846 57.497
Dragon Knight Warrior 21 66 32.03 50.971
Drake Leader 66 204 36.991 17.216
Drake Warrior 21 66 31.662 51.04
Drake Mage 21 66 36.746 51.062
Dragon Mage 21 66 42.089 51.04
Bloody Karik 105 315 46.017 44.905
Bloody Berserker 78 234 45.293 24.801
Knoriks 324 972 37.287 38.823
Necromancer of the Valley 9 9 19.316 71.86
Howl 9 9 18.673 78.285
Hard Noxious Scorpion 21 66 46.735 50.503
Styrindo 9 9 16.422 97.233
Rorka 9 9 20.038 94.928